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(2 edits) (+1)

omg I love you 


Huh, didn't know I had such dedicated fans. lol

enderelf2 months ago


How do you get titan ball



i lost my save the moment i got titan ball can someone give me a save just after unlocking titan pls



There u go!

can you make it into a game for download? The game doesnt save sometimes and it would be better to have it as a game on my phone



(1 edit)

the utton to turn off auto ounce happens to e my roken key...

idk if this is a joke or not, but you can click the words that say how to turn of auto bounce to turn it off

no, not a joke
my key is actually broken and will not work most of the time
thanks for the tip

where my progress gone

Wait when i click to the right balls go to my mouse and when i click to the left they go to the left??



Game crashes after trying to fight the monster

Idle orbs 3?



... "finally"? lol

huh the image didnt upload but I got to monster level 1000, got the titan orb think it was


I got the secret :)

Nice :)

please make sell 10, 100, 1000 and sell max


(1 edit)

Wait, didn't I do that already?
Nevermind lol, I didn't. It's been so long since I've touched the game, but perhaps I'll get around to it.

Ok that’s cool

I sold all my normal orbs and now only have homing and spore orbs.

and I have 70 million money now so I'm gonna spend it all on light orbs.

help I have 4.5 trillion cash now in game.


now I have 11 trillion moneys in game and probably will earn way more.

thanks son

You're welcome

About half way to the secret :D

do you have it now? great job on getting that far.

Thank you for saying that:)

I do not have it yet because I forgot about the game and I will now keep grinding in order to bring you the secret as soon as I possibly can

I already know what the secret is but I will try to not spoil it.


congratulations! I bet you have it now.

I have level 700 now.

I am at around level 350 rn.

How to get the secret it doesn't work if you try to click on it?

go to settings

best game ever

for some reason when you fullscreen on mac some of the text UI disapears


Well I finally reached the secret.
Enough of this game for me :-)

I definitely wont do a new game with the unlocked content all over again :-)
general tip:
After a ton of time and having it run over night, i had about 8 millions coins.
first I bought all the balls (light and normal in that order) that I could.
After that I would jsut switch between normal and boss fighting mode and from time to time buying the +1% upgrade and buying new balls, never prestiging again.

still takes some time to beat all the levels (gotta keep in mind before you autofight to have some money collected in the balance, as the autofight uses said money with each defeated monster. so having almost no money will stop the autofight after like a few bosses


Clearly someone has too much free time on their hands. 

i found a bug if you get 1 of each orb then buy max of titan orbs you can get more than 1 orb

this is kinda addicting, great game

(1 edit) (+1)



Beside the first two orbs, none of the other ones is useful..

Invest everything into the +3% upgrade, buy millions of orbs and outdmg every build... + no ressources wasted between prestieges

I am lvl 1000 so what ia the secret??? 

go to settings

thx i am not smart

It seems like you can buy a bunch of Titan orbs while only using 1 of each other orb. Shouldn't it be 1 Titan per 1 of each other? Or is that too hard?


Wonderful game!  But I am encountering a bug with the settings menu.   I'm unable to see the whole thing and there doesn't seem to be any way to scroll over. But all in all a wonderful game regardless!  It had a great progression and a good mix of being active and being idle!  Great work! 

If I can figure out how to replicate this error then I'll fix it asap. Can you give me more info on your OS, browser, and other info that might be helpful?

Sure!  I'm using Windows 10 Home, and using Google Chrome. I'm not sure why it's doing this.  I tried reloading, but no effect. 


the first idle orbs game has HUGE display issues. windows on top of windows obscuring everything. i'm playing on chrome.. with no weird extensions. no reason for it. just bad programming.

both games are boring and shallow.

maybe they wouldn't be boring if you had good display settings


Maybe use something other than a potato as a GPU

You don't get back all the mana from Homing and Spore orbs on prestige. Meaning each you buy is a net loss over time. That's a little crap.


yeah. having given this game and its prequel a shot, i'd say this guy doesn't understand much about game design. or UI design.

What does "Starting Cash" do exactly? I'm not sure what it means.

Deleted 16 days ago


An auto next level would be really appreciated. I've reached where I can do it very quickly but going to menu over and over is annoying. 

Also e to open isn't working for me. 

you can also click the text saying to press e

Yeah that's what I was doing. but I'd reached point where I could complete the level easy so just repeating that over and over was annoying. 


The mana orbs not sticking around feels weird considering the level of the monster doesnt reset. I've been selling them before prestige but that still means losing mana over all

very noice

Indeed, very


I hope your dad is in a good place!


Hey thanks. Yeah, he is

Fun really hard to get to level 1000

ive never been so early-

Much fun, many addiction, pug

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