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why no hampter >:(

Game was invented before hampter :(

I've only had homing orb for an hour and a half, and if anything happened to it, I would go on a several year long revenge mission.


As you can tell, I get emotionally attached to inanimate objects very quickly

how is the amount of mana that is given to you after a prestige calculated?

(1 edit) (-2)

i found a glitch but im not saying what it is, all im going to say is it has to do with the titan orb. good luck figuring it out, Jacoby-Y



game devs hates this guy


everyone does

For anyone that keeps asking. 

You get the Titan ball by purchasing it with 10 mana which can be obtained after prestige 3. Literally all you have to do to figure that out is to hover over it and see the mana symbol...


How Do you unlock the titan orb. and is it the secret when you reach lvl 1000

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