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Deleted 184 days ago

It says that it "is" a virus or that it "could be" one? I'm not sure how to make the application seem less suspicious to Windows, but I'll keep trying.

is it possible to get mac version ?????

(1 edit)

i would get it but i use a macbook so i cant download :C

I played idle orbs 2 and had fun 

 (i also have a school Chromebook but I can ´ t download games on it) 


Yeah sorry. At the moment I can only compile on platforms that I have. (I have Linux and Windows, but no Mac/iOS)

I would build for Mac (and iPhone in the near future), but doing stuff with Apple just cost too much money.

ik, (sad)              just keep making w games thats all :)


I am looking for people for a co-op bundle


i'd get this, but i already got skyrim yesterday

Very fair, honestly.

Certified Chad